Saving Waveform and other GUI preferences in Riviera-PRO


This application note explains how to save waveform preferences such as colors and fonts to the macro file. It also covers saving perspectives layout and applying it in different versions of Riviera-PRO.

Saving Waveform Preferences

You may save waveform preferences such as colors and fonts to a “.do” macro file.

  • To save waveform preferences run the commands below in Riviera-PRO console:

    > pref.serialize application/colors/waveform -file
    > pref.serialize application/fonts/waveform -file
  • To apply saved preferences execute the .do macro files in Riviera-PRO console:

    > do
    > do
  • In general, you may save more tool settings to a macro file by running:

    > pref.serialize application -file

    Saving Perspectives Layout

    Perspectives layout and other settings are stored in the following directory:

  • Linux

    ~/.aldec/Riviera-PRO/<version number>/config/framework

  • Windows

    <Documents and Settings>\<User's folder>\Application Data\Aldec\Riviera-PRO\<version number>\config\framework

    As you can see Riviera-PRO GUI settings are stored in the version number specific directories. You can copy config/framework directory from one <version number> to another to apply the settings.

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