« Prev | Next » Mouse Strokes Introduction The mouse strokes in Active-HDL allow you to navigate and execute commands in the active view by simply moving the mouse pointer in the appropriate direction. Using the pre-defined mouse movements, you can perform various actions such as opening a file, zooming in and out, etc. These pre-defined movements can be configured to make them user-defined. Using Mouse Strokes To enable the mouse strokes, check the Enable mouse strokes check box in the Options tab of the Customize dialog box. The Customize dialog box can be opened from Tools | Customize. After mouse strokes are enabled, in the active window press the right mouse button, wait for the suggestion wheel to appear, and move the pointer in the appropriate direction(s) to execute the desired command. The commands visible in the suggestion wheel are executed when the pointer is moved to a direction pointed by a white arrow and the right mouse button is released. Dimmed arrows show possible directions that should be expanded to perform another move. The command to be run appears in the center of the suggestion wheel. Let go of the right mouse button to execute the shown command. The mouse pointer can be moved in any of the 8 directions available: up (N), down (S), right (E), left (W), diagonally upward to the right (NE), diagonally upward to the left (NW), diagonally down to the right (SE) and diagonally down to the left (SW). NOTE: The available commands depend on the type of the opened document. For example: In case of a BDE file, the suggestion wheel will show hierarchy push when a symbol is selected, but in case of a HDL file this option is absent. If the pointer is moved to an incorrect direction, the right mouse button should be released and the entire move repeated. Customize Mouse Strokes The mouse strokes can be fully customized in the Mouse Strokes tab within the Customize dialog box. The sequence of up to 8 moves can be assigned to the suggestion wheel or to the trail of any command. Examples In the State Diagram Editor window, to zoom in, hold down the right mouse button and move the pointer diagonally down to the left. To zoom out, while holding down the right mouse button, move the pointer diagonally upward to the right. To close an active document, while holding down the right mouse button, move the pointer diagonally down to the right, then left and diagonally upward to the right. To perform the Hierarchy Push command in the Block Diagram Editor window, select the fub and while holding down the right mouse button, move the pointer downward. Previous article Next article