Currently, Aldec provides customers with two types of licenses: node-locked and floating. To determine the type of license that you have, please do the following:
Open the license.dat file provided to you by Aldec
Look at the line that is located second from the top
If the line says License Type: Nodelocked, then you have a node-locked license
If the line says License Type: Floating, then you have a floating license
This document describes how to install a floating license. If you have a node-locked license, please refer to Node-locked License Installation on Windows
To install the license, you will need to:
Download and install the license dongle driver
Download and install the License Server Manager
Configure and start the License Server
Setup the ALDEC_LICENSE_FILE environment variable
If your license is issued for a USB FLEXid keylock (the license file contains a reference to "flexid=10" in the server line), installing the drivers may be necessary. See for details.
The license daemon package is an archive of files that will be used to setup the license server. The archive contains the following files:
ALDEC.exe - Aldec's license daemon
lmgrd.exe - license manager daemon
lmtools.exe - license administration tool
startlicense.bat - a batch file for starting the license server
stoplicense.bat - a batch file for stopping the license server
fnp_LicAdmin.pdf - detailed document on setting up the license server; provided by Flexera Software
fnp_GS-LF.pdf - describes the basic concepts of FLEXnet Licensing, license models, and concepts for designing license policies using License Files; provided by Flexera Software
The license daemons can be downloaded from the Aldec Downloads Page.
Software is supported for the following Windows releases:
For Microsoft Windows 32-bit: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 SP1 and SP2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2
For Microsoft Windows 64-bit: Windows 7 SP1 x64, Windows 8 x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11 x64, Windows Server 2008 SP1, SP2, and R2 x64, Windows Server 2012 x64, Windows Server 2012 R2 x64, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2022
Create a directory where you wish to install the license server and copy the archive to this directory
Important Notes - The path of the executable file for the service cannot contain spaces, e.g. c:\Program Files. Additionally, the files can be extracted neither into the "C:\Aldec\" nor "C:\Flexlm\Aldec\" directory.
Unpack the archive using your favorite archiver
Copy the license.dat file to the directory where you unpacked the server
Edit license.dat file. Change this_host on the SERVER line to the actual host name. Save and close the file
Start the license server
You can start the License Server two ways:
Automatically at system start up
There are two ways to start the license server:
From the Command Line
Using the LMTOOLS utility
To start the server simply execute the startlicense.bat file.
To stop the license server, execute the stoplicense.bat file.
Start the LMTOOLS utility
Click on the Service/License File tab
Select the Configuration using Services option
Select the service name from the list in the selection box. For example: DEMO License Manager
Click on the Start/Stop/Reread tab
Start the DEMO License Manager by clicking on Start Server
Double-click on the LMTOOLS utility
Select the Configuration using Services option
Click on the Config Services tab
In the Service Name field, type the name of the service (e.g. DEMO License Manager).
NOTE: By default, if the field is left blank, the service will be named FlexNet Publisher Service
In the Path to the lmgrd.exe file field, click Browse to put the path to lmgrd.exe for this license server
In the Path to the license file field, click Browse to put the license file for this license server
In the Path to the debug log file, click Browse to put the debug log file that this license server writes
NOTE: The default location for the debug log file is the c:\winnt\System32 folder. To specify a different location, make sure you specify a fully qualified path.
Be sure the Use Services and Start Server at Power Up options are checked
To save, click Save Service
By default, the license server uses the port 27009. If you want to bind the license server to a specific port, you can specify the port number in the license.dat file. This may be convenient if several license servers run on the same machine.
Open the license.dat file in your favorite editor and locate the line that says: SERVER <server_name><host_id><port_no>
Replace the port number at the end of the line
Save the file
Restart the license server
The license server manager must be started before application can be used. The location of the license server is specified by the ALDEC_LICENSE_FILE system variable. To set up the workstation to use the network license use: ALDEC_LICENSE_FILE=<port>@<host> where:
<port> is the TCP/IP port of the license server manager (default is 27009)
<host> is the IP address or computer name of the license server manager
For three-server redundant server configurations, use a comma separated list of three port@host specifiers denoting the three-server redundant configuration. For example: port1@host1,port2@host2,port3@host3
Please see License Error: Cannot read data from License Server System. If you still receive a license error, please contact technical support.
If you experience any problems with setting up the license server, locate the license server log file and contact Aldec's support team.
Locating the server log file:
If the server is started with the startlicense.bat file, the debug.log file will be created in the server directory.
If the LMTOOLS is used, the log file path depends on user settings.
Contacting Aldec's Support Team Submit your support ticket at:
Note: Please, be sure to include your platform, OS, and the debug.log file