ERROR VCP2000 "Syntax error. Unexpected token: library[_IDENTIFIER]. Expected tokens: 'function' , 'task' , 'timeprecision' , 'timeunit' , 'const' ... ."


When I run a script in Riviera-PRO, I receive the above error. What does it mean and how can I fix it?


This is a generic message about a syntax error. In the code below, a semicolon (;) is missing after the name of the module. This triggers the VCP2000 message:

module m //VCP2000

You can also receive the above error by using the alog/vlog commands when compiling VHDL files. Within the script that you are running in Riviera-PRO, please pay special attention to what command you use when compiling your design files. Verilog/SystemVerilog files need to be compiled using the alog/vlog command, and VHDL files need to be compiled using the acom/vcom command.

If you are still having issues, please create a ticket in our Support Portal.

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