ARM Cortex SoC Prototyping Platform

for Industrial Applications

Bill Jason P. Tomas, Product Engineer, Hardware Division
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Modern industrial systems are faced with many key design challenges including: system complexity, real-time performance requirements, evolving standards, and rising costs. ASIC prototyping platforms, such as Aldec HES-7™, provide a platform for designers to implement and verify functionality of industrial systems at-speed prior to silicon tape-out, saving money from costly re-spins.  In this white paper, we take a look how to tackle a few industrial design applications with Aldec’s HES-7, which now supports ARM® Cortex-A9 based designs by leveraging Xilinx’s new Zynq® All Programmable SoC.


Download white paper: ARM Cortex SoC Prototyping Platform for Industrial Applications

View recorded webinar: ARM Cortex SoC Prototyping Platform for Industrial Applications


Figure 1: Advantage of Building an Industrial Network Application Using Partial-Reconfiguration

Bill is responsible for Aldec Hardware Emulation and SoC / ASIC Prototyping. He received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from Auburn University in Alabama in 2011, and currently undertaking his M.S in Electrical Engineering with a focus on hardware emulation methodology and Built-In-Self-Test for high capacity FPGAs. He is also currently a graduate research assistant for the University of Nevada Systems and Integration laboratory studying Network-on-Chip BIST strategies. 

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