Compiling Intel® Quartus® Prime Simulation Libraries for Active-HDL


Users can compile Active-HDL libraries within the Intel® Quartus® Prime environment using a compiler wizard. For the purpose of this application note, we have used Quartus® Prime and provided the path to Active-HDL 13.0.

How to setup

  1. Open Quartus® Prime.

  2. Go to Tools | Launch Simulation Library Compiler.

    Figure 1: Simulation Library Compiler

  3. The EDA Simulation Library Compiler will open.

  4. Select Active-HDL under the Tool Name. Under the Executable location field, provide the path to the AVHDL.exe file.

    Figure 2: Simulation Library Compiler wizard: Tool Name and Location

  5. Select the library families that you would like to compile, and select the Library Language.

    Note: The > symbol will select the families you have chosen, and the >> symbol selects ALL of the available families.

    Figure 3: EDA Simulation Library Compiler: Library Selection

  6. Choose an Output directory for your compiled libraries.

    Figure 4: Simulation Library Compiler wizard: Output Directory

  7. When you have specified all of your settings, select Start Compilation.

    Figure 5: Simulation Library Compiler wizard: Start Compilation

  8. Upon successful compilation, you can close the EDA Simulation Library Compiler window.

    Figure 6: Successful Compilation

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